Developing chemometrics with the tools of information sciences (CHESS) – MASIT23


Olli Simula, Francesco Corona, Amaury Lendasse, Marja-Liisa Riekkola, Kari Hartonen, Pentti Minkkinen, Satu-Pia Reinikainen, Jarno Kohonen, Ilppo Vuorinen, Jari Hänninen, and Jukka Silén. Developing chemometrics with the tools of information sciences (CHESS) – MASIT23. In MASI Programme 2005-2009, Yearbook 2008, pages 189–222. Libris Oy, May 2008.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {Olli Simula and Francesco Corona and Amaury Lendasse and Marja-Liisa Riekkola and Kari Hartonen and Pentti Minkkinen and Satu-Pia Reinikainen and Jarno Kohonen and Ilppo Vuorinen and Jari H\"{a}nninen and Jukka Sil\'{e}n},
    booktitle = {{MASI} Programme 2005-2009, Yearbook 2008},
    language = {eng},
    month = {May},
    pages = {189--222},
    publisher = {Libris Oy},
    title = {Developing chemometrics with the tools of information sciences ({CHESS}) -- {MASIT}23},
    year = {2008},

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