Semantic analysis in word vector spaces with ICA and feature selection


Tiina Lindh-Knuutila, Jaakko Väyrynen, and Timo Honkela. Semantic analysis in word vector spaces with ICA and feature selection. In Jeremy Jancsary, editor, Proceedings of The 11th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS), pages 98–107. ÖGAI, 2012. Main track: oral presentations.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {Tiina Lindh-Knuutila and Jaakko V{\"{a}}yrynen and Timo Honkela},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of The 11th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS)},
    editor = {Jeremy Jancsary},
    language = {Eng},
    note = {Main track: oral presentations},
    pages = {98--107},
    publisher = {{\"{O}}GAI},
    title = {Semantic analysis in word vector spaces with {ICA} and feature selection},
    year = {2012},

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