Joint Segmentation of Image Ensembles via Latent Atlases


T. Riklin Raviv, K. Van Leemput, W.M. Wells, and P. Golland. Joint segmentation of image ensembles via latent atlases. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 5761, pages 272–280, 2009. Proceedings of MICCAI2009, September 20-14, 2009, London, UK.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {T. Riklin Raviv and K. Van Leemput and W.M. Wells and P. Golland},
    booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    note = {Proceedings of MICCAI2009, September 20-14, 2009, London, UK},
    pages = {272-280},
    title = {Joint Segmentation of Image Ensembles via Latent Atlases},
    volume = {5761},
    year = {2009},

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