Joint Segmentation via Patient-Specific Latent Anatomy Model


T. Riklin Raviv, B. Menze, K. Van Leemput, B. Stieltjes, M.A. Weber, N. Ayache, W.M. Wells, and P. Golland. Joint segmentation via patient-specific latent anatomy model. In Proceedings of the MICCAI 2009 Workshop on Probabilistic Models for Medical Image Analysis (PMMIA 2009), pages 244–255, 2009. September 20, 2009, London, UK.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {T. Riklin Raviv and B. Menze and K. Van Leemput and B. Stieltjes and M.A. Weber and N. Ayache and W.M. Wells and P. Golland},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the MICCAI 2009 Workshop on Probabilistic Models for Medical Image Analysis (PMMIA 2009)},
    note = {September 20, 2009, London, UK},
    pages = {244-255},
    title = {Joint Segmentation via Patient-Specific Latent Anatomy Model},
    year = {2009},

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