BIP(CV)-ELM: Effective and Adaptive Pretraining Method for Extreme Learning Machines


Mark van Heeswijk, Qi Yu, Rui Nian, Bo He, Yoan Miche, and Amaury Lendasse. BIP(CV)-ELM: Effective and adaptive pretraining method for extreme learning machines. The International Symposium on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM2012), NA(NA):NA, to appear.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {Mark van Heeswijk and Qi Yu and Rui Nian and Bo He and Yoan Miche and Amaury Lendasse},
    journal = {The International Symposium on Extreme Learning Machines ({ELM}2012)},
    language = {eng},
    number = {NA},
    pages = {NA},
    title = {{BIP}({CV})-{ELM}: Effective and Adaptive Pretraining Method for Extreme Learning Machines},
    volume = {NA},
    year = {to appear},

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