MLG 2008 banner

List of accepted papers


IDTitlePrimary Contact Author
2A New Kernel for Classification of Networked EntitiesZhang, Dell
6Efficient Discriminative Training Method for Structured PredictionsYu, Huizhen
7Representative Subgraph Sampling using Markov Chain Monte Carlo MethodsBorgwardt, Karsten
9Combining near-optimal feature selection with gSpanBorgwardt, Karsten
10Infinite mixtures for multi-relational categorical dataSinkkonen, Janne
11Parameter Learning in Probabilistic Databases: A Least Squares ApproachGutmann, Bernd
13Structure and tie strengths in a mobile communication networkSaramäki, Jari
18Induction of Node Label Controlled Graph Grammar RulesBlockeel, Hendrik
19Classification in Graphs using Discriminative Random WalksFrançoisse, Kevin
20Min, Max and PTIME Anti-Monotonic Overlap Graph MeasuresVan Dyck, Dries
21Improved Software Fault Detection with Graph MiningEichinger, Frank
23Markov Logic Improves Protein β-Partners PredictionFrasconi, Paolo
28Comparing Diffusion Models for Graph--Based Semi--Supervised LearningGalstyan, Aram
31A Hilbert-Schmidt Dependence Maximization Approach to Unsupervised Structure DiscoveryBlaschko, Matthew
43Inferring the structure and scale of modular networksHofman, Jake
44An Online Algorithm for Learning a Labeling of a GraphPelckmans , Kristiaan


IDTitlePrimary Contact Author
3Mining Common Semantic Patterns from Descriptions of Failure KnowledgeKraines, Steven
4A graph-theoretic approach for reducing one-versus-one multi-class classification to rankingWaegeman, Willem
5The skew spectrum of graphsKondor, Risi
8Probabilistic models for the dynamics of tree-structured dataDalvi, Nilesh
12Randomization Techniques for Statistical Significance Testing on GraphsHanhijärvi, Sami
15The All-Paths Covariance: a new covariance measure between nodes of a weighted, directed, graphMantrach, Amin
17Scalable Algorithms for Structured Output PredictionVembu, Shankar
24Mining music graphs through immanantal polynomialsPinto, Alberto
27CPT-L: an Efficient Model for Relational Stochastic ProcessesThon, Ingo
32Mining graphs to discover new theorems in mathematicsDesrosiers, Christian
33Graph Theoretic Measures for Identifying Affective Blockers of Spreading Processes in Dynamic NetworksHabiba, Habiba
34A Structured-Outputs Method for Prediction of Protein FunctionSokolov, Artem
37Prediction of Molecular Substructures from Mass Spectrograms Using Constraint Based ClusteringDrouillon, Pieter-Jan
38A Method to extend Existing Document Clustering Procedures in order to include Relational InformationWitsenburg, Tijn
39High-Order Regularization on GraphsZhou, Dengyong
41A structured outputs method for predicting protein binding sitesHamilton, Michael
42Combining Optimal and Atomic Decomposition of Terminology Association GraphsMeurs, Marie-Jean